Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Why? Fear

After returning from the hospital from visiting my daughter. I found myself in a rare state of mind. Asking God why as the alligator tears ran down my cheek, and my glasses fogged up. She looked so depressed and medicated. I had to ask God why, why, why? I have yet to receive my answer. Why didn't he pick me, why is he taking her thru this . Is there some lesson to learn. . I know I will receive my answer, until then I pray. I pray that her heart will be healed, I pray that her depression will disappear. I pray that she has no fear, I know she does we all do. Even thou God tells us to fear not, but we are not God and fear does grab a hold of our minds. Our duty is to fight, believe and not give up even when everything's not going quite right. Things do work out. But at the moment you are going thru it, it all seems hopeless and unfair. You are lost in tears and pain. Thankful for each and every day that you have. Somehow the trivial things in life just don't matter. What matters, is life itself. http://www.youlanda.org/

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