Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hurting people-hurt people--

I find that as I grow in the music industry I have quite a few critics. I never expected not to have any, it's part of our business and it's the business I love. I now know how some of the people I have followed for so many years feel ( on a very small scale). I read some of the comments people make about them and think. What a miserable life you must have to judge someone so harshly. You don't know the price they paid to get to where they are or the personal issues they may be facing that day. The day I read some of my comments two or my children where in the hospital, along with some other problems. It was a very hard day for me and took me several days to deal with it. But once I had my pity party and asked why are people so mean I came to this conclusion. From that day forward I will not let the negative freaks out there determine my happiness on that day. I will not stop pursuing my dreams just because you said no. If you don't like my music don't buy it don't listen to it. If you don't like me on TV don't watch me. Someone I really like in this world once said "hurting people, hurt people. I know that everyone is not going to like me I don't expect them to. But you don't have to insult, you don't have to so mean.

Now on to something more happier. I am going to chart in my blog starting soon some of my experiences in the Indie world of music I have some great opportunities coming up and I would like to share them. I realize that a lot of my blog has been about my family they are always going to be there and I will continue to pray for them. But it's time I really focused on slaying Goliath. In the next few weeks I will answer some of the questions I have been getting and some of the experiences I am having.


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