Born on a country floor in Tennessee, as I was told by my mother. I was never quite sure who my father was. I began life in Ridgely TN, raised by a family that I thought was my fathers who treated me like I was his. Some of my best memories were in that little town. But then questions came up as to who he was and I was shipped up north where my “real” father supposedly was and down south again. I would eventually end up staying up north. I would see my alleged father every once in a while. He even had the gall to let me stay with his family for a summer, I had so much fun. I wanted to stay with them, forever. I guess I wasn’t good enough. I would see my alleged father every once in a while. Like most of us who have fly by night fathers. I am at the point where I don’t know who my real father is and I don’t care. No, I will not be going on some talk show crying my eyes out about who my father is, I’m to mature to care about that right now. However, I have been thinking about the absence of fathers lately. Just as my daughter turned thirty last year I think I can count the number of times she has seen her father on one hand. That’s horrible! How can you skip out and not see your child. I know there may be some issues with the mother of your child but that is your child. If you don’t think so, go get a DNA test to make sure. Let me add that paying child support does not make you a father your presence is just as important, if not more. I know that we as young parents probably made some really bad decisions about life but at the same time we also created life and a lot of men just created it and left. I have several questions for those men. Do you not think about the children you made or do you just not care? Don’t you wonder if their doing okay? There are some stats that say children without their fathers in life tend not to do as well as children with a father’s in their life. Shouldn’t you be responsible for that life in some way? Especially the young girls. Would we have less teenage pregnancies if there were fathers in the home. Would young women make better choices in mates if they had a good example of how a man should treat a women. Would some of our young men, think about the choices they make if they had a role model to emulate? Would they treat women differently if they knew how? Rather than following the images on TV they would have a real example of how to treat a young lady. I think it would have made a difference in my life. In fact I know it would have. People say it’s never too late to do the right thing, I think in some cases it is. However, if you are a father out there and you haven’t seen your child for thirty years or so you may want to make an effort. It may change some things or maybe not. Because they may have some really heavy questions for you like, why did you leave, didn’t you think about me, didn’t you love me. At all.
You absent fathers really need to watch how you treat your children. You never know, they may actually grow up to be a singer, doctor, lawyer, photographer or whatever they make up their minds to do. My “alleged” father actually said to me, you’ll never be anything in life because I had children so young. Ha! The jokes on him.
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